As part of the recently established collaboration with the European Safety, Reliability & Data Association (ESReDA), BAG-INTEL was featured in the August edition of the Association’s newsletter distributed to its large membership base composed of organizations, private and governmental institutes, and industry researchers and consultants active in the field of safety and reliability.

BAG-INTEL received a prominent placement in the newsletter, allowing for a comprehensive overview of the project’s context and operational scenario and the proposed BAG-INTEL solution, including its features and capabilities.

The collaboration between ESReDA and BAG-INTEL extends to other areas including joint events and exchange of know-how. The BAG-INTEL project partners are now working on several papers to be presented during the upcoming 65th ESReDA Seminar to be held on November 14-15, 2024, in Athens, Greece.

About ESReDA

The European Safety, Reliability & Data Association (ESReDA) is an association providing a forum for the exchange of information, data, and current research in the domain of safety and reliability.

Europe has been showing an increasing interest in the safety and reliability of processes and products, with safety and reliability engineering now recognized as critical components in system design. However, this field, along with its tools and methods, is still evolving, while the expertise and knowledge of the discipline are scattered across Europe. There is a clear need to consolidate resources and expertise within Europe, and ESReDA offers a platform to achieve this goal. 

ESReDA was formed in 1992 from the combined forces of EuReDatA (European Reliability Data Bank Association) and ESRRDA (European Safety and Reliability Research and Development Association). The integration of the two provided a strong basis for furthering the understanding, development, and dissemination of reliability, availability, maintainability, and safety (RAMS) research and methods throughout Europe.