The overall aim of BAG-INTEL is to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of baggage customs control at inland border airports without increasing the number of human resources involved in the process. The project aims to achieve that by providing robust AI-based information, utilization, and decision-making support tools to support inland border airports customs teams in carrying out baggage controls.
The BAG-INTEL project was founded to achieve the following objectives:
- Creation and demonstration of an effective AI-camera-based luggage reidentification solution,
- Creation and demonstration of the AI-enhanced detection and recognition of contraband in the scanning images,
- Creation and demonstration of a digital twin of the BAG-INTEL system,
- Successful demonstration of the effectiveness and efficiency of the complete BAG-INTEL system in real-life use cases,
- Dissemination of the innovative BAG-INTEL results to raise awareness and promote multi-stakeholder cooperation and information-sharing to enhance security at inland borders.